Friday, October 8, 2010

Character Research- How far Should you Go

Character research: How far do you go?

Where do you get your inspiration and how do you do your research when developing a new character? Is your character based on someone you know, someone you aspire to meet or are they people you have never even imagined? For example, maybe one of your main characters a serial killer that is 12 year old boy and maybe you are a 60 year-old woman writing this person. How do you do it? How do you make your imagination come to life? 

Researching a character can be exciting, dangerous and infuriating. For some writers they will raid the local Blockbuster and rent an assortment of movies that portray their character in different lights. Some will interview people with similar characteristics.

And then there are the writers like me, who jump in with both my feet and enter the life style of my character. Currently I am writing a novel with a Gamer as one of the main characters. His life revolves around online gaming, he owns multiple gaming console systems, is creating his own game, and loves all things Star Wars. Well the Star Wars fandom I have, no need for research there. But gaming? I have never played an online multiplayer game. I have only bought video games as gifts, made my purchase and then left my local Game Stop with haste before the teen boy used any more acronyms that I didn’t understand making me feel ancient. But here in this new world I’m creating, I needed all of the dirty details of what the life of a Gamer was all about.

Step one: I signed up for a trial version of World of Warcraft. Step two: play. Oops step two is a bit addictive, with in fifteen minutes I was running my Dark Elf threw Shadowglen with multiple quests. Before I new it, three hours had passed and I might just be in trouble and to add icing to the cake I have to work in a few hours. How do people do this every day?

But through my exploration of the online gaming community I got a new insight into the interactions between players, graphics that will make for beautiful descriptions, and creatures that Gamers might be aware of when reading my novel. Jumping in and becoming a Gamer (even if I’m a newbie) allowed me to see how a day in the life of my character might be. I also get to see what motivates him to do the things he does. Hopefully that knowledge will create a character who is memorable. 

So the question is, how far do you go or should you go to create a character that is as realistic as possible? Do you go to jail and interview a murder/ robber/ gang member? Do you take a ride with a cop? Do you go to a bar all alone and people watch until you find a couple flirting for the first time? Do you sit in a cemetery waiting for a widow to visit their lost love? How much better would your character be if you did?  If you aren't a writer can you tell when you are reading a book how much effort was put in to making that character real?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Writer's Insomnia

So, I woke up at 4am this morning, for those who don't know me I don't do mornings.  I would never get up at that ungodly hour on my own.  No, today I woke up to the gentle yappings of my characters who were no longer willing to wait for their story to be unfolded.  They wanted their fifteen minutes of fame and they want it now.  I must comply or sleep will evade me until it's done.

I really hope this is a normal writer thing and not some sign that I had caught a crazy gene. 

Ok, I must writer so that I can sleep. 

It's going to be a long day at work.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Life sucks, some days are so bad you want to crawl on your couch, wrap up in your favorite blanket and get lost in a book or movie or just a great CD.  Today I started having one of these moments.  My couch was calling to me with my blanket already warm and a full box of kleenex.  I really wanted to give in and be one with the sofa.

Luckily for me there was not enough time for that.

On my way to school I busted out The Bravery and their latest album.  I rocked out to angry love/hate music (probably ranked as emo).  That's when I remembered we all have our own medicine.  A way to escape the world without risk of losing your job, or going bankrupt.  My escape comes in the form of reading a book about worlds where good beats evil and if it doesn't there's a sequel to repair the chaos.  Sometimes I listen to music (okay, I always listen to music), it's like a mini vacation from my day.  The final escape is when I write.

I currently write paranormal romance.  I run off into a world where anything I imagine can be true.  The impossible becomes possible and characters only die if I let them.  My boss; who I adore and totally respect, thinks that my choice of writing is a waste of time and lacks any contribution to the better world.  I beg to differ my writing is what gets me up in the morning and sends me to work each day.  My world is driven by the scenario, scenes and people I encounter at work. 

My book may never solve world hunger or end the national debt.  But I bet somebody will find that it is the exact medicine that they need to go to work the next day. I can't wait for me medicine to be ready for mass distribution. 

Friday, May 7, 2010

Contests revistited

It appears that I may have been mistaken in the contest results that I entered.  Yes, I did get a thank you for trying email, but that was a try-out for a critique group.  The contest that matters, the one that is being read by published authors, agents, editors I have not heard from them.

They said at their meeting that anyone not a finalists should have their manuscripts back by May 2nd.  Well its' the 7th.  So, by their logic I'm a finalists, right?

Part of me the imaginary fun part has popped the Dom Perignon, broke out the noise makers and is swimming in a sea of glittery confetti.  She is already planning her book signing, contract deals and even a book tour across the entire world.

The sound me has strapped myself to a chair and is chastising the other me for being to quick to draw conclusions.  If I'm wrong and my little package is lost in the beast we call the postal service, I will be crushed (that will be both mes that are crushed).

So, now we wait.... again.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Editing- oh the joy

Today is Friday, on this day every week I edit and work on my manuscript.  Let me tell you if you aren't a writer one of the hardest things to do is edit your own work.  It's a daunting task of reading, rereading and just for good measure reading another 5 times.  Each reading you add commas, make paragraphs for emphasis and  descriptions, drop some descriptions and over all thicken the plot of evil you drop on your characters. 

None of this is terribly fun.  Half the time I wonder if I was awake when I wrote that thing, the other half of the time I think it is magnificent and as good if not better then Faulkner's work.  Then I have a critique group peruse my creative juices to say, "that doesn't make sense",  "You use to much hyperbole", "Is this a fashion show your writing?", and my favorite "that's cliche."   All of these things I appreciate and think later they were so right.  Damn, I guess more editing.

Then before I start my latest blog, I reread some of my posts and think, wow I should spend more time editing.  Anyone who is reading this probably thinks that girls has no business writing, she can't even use proper grammar. My response:  I'm saving it for my manuscript.    

Ok time to get back to work.  Yeah, editing!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Writing Contests- What's the point again

So, "They" as in the proverbial they, whoever they be say to build a platform and gather experience before sending out query letters and soliciting  for agents.  If I am serious about being a writer I guess I have to put myself out there and try.  In March I entered a contest that I was hopeful that I would do well in.  At the very least I would get some great feedback from published authors and agents in the romance genre. 

So for weeks, I have been going about my life, working , writing and having fun.  While in the back of my over active imagination I envisioned being a finalist.  Getting a fabulous phone call requesting the rest of my manuscript.  Imaginary me jumped up and down, cheeks were glowed rosy red and I was so happy.  The start of my writing career was all played out in my vivid dreams. 

Today I got the email.  Yes, folks hold your breath in eager anticipation.  Dummm, dumm, dum...

Thank you for your participation we see much pontential in your writing but you are not a finalist.

Imaginary me just jumped off a bridge.  Real me stuck out her bottom lip and pouted.  At least they didn't say you suck so much you should never write another word again.  I wait in not so eager way for the mail person to deliver the critiques from the readers.

I tell myself this will make me a better writer, this will help me build my platform, this will be a good thing.  Imaginary me is sitting under a tree throwing pencils as far as she can, waiting for the twilight sky to start burning pages to stay warm.  Real me has decided to take a break.  No polishing the manuscript today.  I'll get back to work tomorrow.

I guess the take home message for me is I better start getting used to rejection, before the you suck letters show up. 

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Where do all the minutes go

Many writing books, magazines, articles, mentors say that if you are a writer you must writer everyday.  What do you write when there just isn't anything to say?  Do you talk about the long busy day you had, or that your feet hurt so bad from standing all day you wonder if you can go bare foot to work tomorrow.  Maybe you work on your manuscript. 

My next question is when do you do these things?  Maybe you get up early before work and jot a few words down. This is not me, I love my sleep and morning already comes to early.  So, maybe you write on your lunch break.  Again not sure how to do that when I don't have a desk job and my manuscript is creeping in the greater than 50,000 word category. I can't just start anywhere and add later.  So, maybe you write at night before bed.  Most days I'm all about that.  Some days though I like to watch tv, or get lost in someone else's world that they created in their novel.

Then there are night like tonight.  I really would love to jump into chapter 4 and rewrite, tweak and edit but I want to sleep.  Where do these people who have full time jobs, children and social lives find time to sleep?  I believe in the motto "sleep when you're dead" but man as I watch my youth stretch farther behind me I think I need a nap before death finds me.